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All positions below take office January 1, 2023

AFA President/VP    Stefan Krompier/Scott Stark (Uncontested)
AFA Treasurer  Barbara Gregorio (Uncontested)         
AFA Secretary   Rose Tavitian (Uncontested)         

Accounting/Business Caroline Falconetti (Uncontested)
ABT  Debbie Desanto (Uncontested)
Africana Studies  Vacant - (Scott Stark)
AHS  Alan Hecht (Uncontested)
Art  Paul Guadagnino (Uncontested)
Biology  Bob Femminella (Uncontested)
Chemistry  Chris Enright (Uncontested)
Communications  Mark Grossman (Uncontested)
Crim. Justice  Paul Schmidt (Uncontested)
Economics and Finance  Ethel Weeks (Uncontested)
English  Carl Vinas (Contested)
For. Lang.  Ute Hellenbruck (Uncontested)
HPER   Ed Mack (Uncontested)
History  Mike Zartler (Uncontested)
Hotel/Rest  Tom Field (Uncontested)
Legal Studies Phylis Sherman (Contested)
Library  Ken Bellafiore (Uncontested)
Marketing  Julie de la Lastra (Uncontested)
Math  Carmine DeSanto (Contested)
Mort. Sci  Vacant - Scott Stark
Music  Garry Ouellette (Uncontested)
Nursing  MaryAnn Saul (Uncontested)
Philosophy  Phil Pecorino (Uncontested) 
Psychology  Brent Nelson (Uncontested)
Sociology Ruth Silverman (Uncontested)
SPS  Vacant - Scott Stark
SPS Interpreters  Judith Rackovitch (Uncontested)
Student Services  Diana Cannone (Uncontested)
Theatre/Dance  Charlie Albano (Uncontested)
Unattached  Vacant - Scott Stark
*Green denotes contested election

This newly elected board takes office on February 1, 2023
Alphabetically listed:
Ken Bellafiore
Chris Enright
Bob Femminella
Paul Guadagnino
Garry Ouellette
Ethel Weeks


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